I commend you for hanging out for 2 days. Watching slow motion tree work is as much fun as chugging a frosty mug of Benadryl.
Awesome pics! I have to ask... Why did he want it to come down? Looked like a beautiful, healthy tree?
After you do the work, you see why professionals get the rate they do. Nice to see it all down with nothing damaged and no one hurt.
I bet your buddy in the bucket is sore, tired and don't want to do that again and you still have the stump to deal with. Think I'd rent a mini-ex and dig it out and sell it, I remember the stump they dug out on mine was fine figured wood. Probably wound up as pistol stocks. Bet you are both glad it's on the ground and like Cash asked, I'm also curious as to why he wanted it down, looked fine to me.
Good job, great pics. I wouldn’t want the job in those tight urban surroundings. Too much stress. Your buddy did good. when I first hopped in the Mason union they sent me on a small job at UConn to repair limestone window moldings. Just me and a Forman. First thing he did was ask me for my hilift certificate. LOL I don’t have one, never been in one. Turns out he hadn’t either. They were also fresh out of reasonable hilifts and sent a 120 footer. Dumped it in a parking lot full of cars and the Forman walked away saying you need to get it over to the building. What a way to learn. How I didn’t take out twenty cars I still don’t know.
Living dangerously... Remember, it only takes a 10 foot fall and lading on a hard surface to kill you or severely injure you (depending on what part of your anatomy hits the ground first). In my case, landing on my head would probably not do anything, my wife always tells me there isn't anything inside to damage.
They have three dogs and were concerned with them eating the nuts and read of certain conditions that could be potentially fatal. And, they were tired of getting bombed by droppings. Those droppings filled their gutters, their neighbors gutters, landed on the sidewalk, which they could be held liable for if something happened from. Both thoroughly thought this through for a couple years. I told them the loss of shade would be huge. The plan is to have the stump ground out, then they will plant several fruit bearing trees. When I go back to mill, I'll take the stump lower. After tensioning the rope, I had to cut some more hinge. I was trying to preserve wood for milling. https://youtube.com/shorts/5H4Oe1F5tIA
Definitely. When he ran out of reach, I could tell he was pretty stressed about it. So I told him I had a hand style pole saw at home but it wouldn't be much fun at full extension. Then I remembered using than on a ladder and wanting the cordless. We agree'd to split the cost 50/50 and I'd keep it. Figured it was cheaper than paying a climber to come out and finish the job and it worked.
I've actually seen carpenters do this... Strap it down on the middle rail so they don't have to move the lift so much..
I picked up the DeWalt cordless about a year ago for work at my parents place. Haven't got a ton of use on it yet, but very impressed. Money well spent.
No. We didn’t want to disturb the peace on a holiday. Then there’s this: Weirdest thing, we had an audience yesterday. When the main base came down, whole bunch of people were clapping. Guess city folk don’t see that type of stuff… ever.
I'm pretty impressed with my Harbor Freight Portland powered pole saw too. Mostly impressive was the cost. 60 clams. Even comes with an Oregon chain and roller nose bar.
Heck, forgot to link that thread. Here ya go. Big walnut vs. SCarr394 CSM My friend Mike with a nice one.