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Welcome to the Firewood Hoarders Club
Here at the FHC we pride ourselves in being the most down to earth forum around. Whether you want a friendly chat about your burner, need help getting your saw running or just want a tree identified-- you have come to the right place! We have a lot of knowledgeable folks with years, sometimes decades, of experience and we are all more than happy to help. So grab a drink, make yourself cozy right by the fire and introduce yourself to the group-- we are all anxious to meet you.
Here at the FHC we pride ourselves in being the most down to earth forum around. Whether you want a friendly chat about your burner, need help getting your saw running or just want a tree identified-- you have come to the right place! We have a lot of knowledgeable folks with years, sometimes decades, of experience and we are all more than happy to help. So grab a drink, make yourself cozy right by the fire and introduce yourself to the group-- we are all anxious to meet you.