Finally remembered to review the memeory card I pulled on Sunday. Gonna say that I am fully stocked for next year. These guys are all survivors. This one is getting wise from watching the coons rob me. Have another pic with him nuzzling the feeder motor. This is the one I saw while on the tractor heading up to pull some logs. This one is a shooter for me, which I don't say very often these days. He'll be a monster this year.
Brought the 6100 to work yesterday to mess with after lunch. Dang thing is a bit of a chore to get tuned properly (for me anyways). Fiddled with the low side a bit and did some pizzrevving. It needs to be put back in wood now to see if I finally got it. Been battling with stalling after long cuts vs a bog when transitioning from l to h circuit.
My sons 365sp was an absolute bear to tune. Had a Walbro, swapped it out for the Zama and it’s much better. I did everything short of a sonic bath, nothing ever helped. Long full throttle cuts it would rev down no problem, but if limbing or short blips of throttle, it would seem to lean out and stall.
The pavillion is up and 95% finished. I've been waiting for some free conveyor belting that I was told I may be able to get to use as a ridge cap to finish the roof. My other option is to go to a local supplier and actually pay retail for a metal one. There's a pic back in this thread somewhere of it as it stands today. I do plan to close in the gables with some decking boards soon. Have begun trying to set aside funds for some cull lumber to get started on the a frame 'cabin' for the site. Lots and lots of 2x6s will be needed among other things. Hope to start it by building it as a deck, then adding the a frame atop it as able to. Undecided if I want to sink posts or build on those concrete pylon things. The ground is very hard up there once you get down about 8" making post holes no fun at all. Will need at least 8 - 10 post holes if I go that route.
Nice weekends in the woods. Used the buggy to haul out the limbs and small trees yesterday. Super nice day out. Not a bad haul for no more work than it took. Hauled some rounds in the buggy bed. Went back today with the tractor but moved some splits first to warm up. It was pretty brisk when I first got rolling today Setting up for first drag. I cut it off a few feet short not knowing if the tractor could pull the whole thing out far enough to be able to get a hold of it again. Made it to here before I got noped. If the log will allow, get your chain under it for next drag before you cut so it doesn't make you dig. Halved it and came back for the rest and a couple more. How the site looked when I left for the day. Will get back to the other stem later. Wood yard full enough at the moment.
I did run the 6100 yesterday. It's already had a new carb swapped on. It seemed to be doing pretty good, not boggy at all except at startup. Made several long cuts and it stayed rolling. Will have to put it to more use and see how it goes.
I forgot to mention that I delivered another load of splits Friday evening after work. Got tipped a $10 pint of iced cream! LOL Good stuff too, not that junk that turns into foam if you leave it sit overnight. Buyer asking about longer length splits. I guess 16s are a bit too short. Have started making 18s instead.
Very little. 4 loads total so far. Nearly same amount that I gave away at Christmas time. lol That's fine too. I don't want it to run away from me. Got a customer this year who will be buying from me as long as I'm willing to supply, pretty sure. Like to just have a hand full of those to be honest. I think I'm well into third year for my own supply, so can continue to make some excess wood. Hoping the roadside stand can move a little for me this year. Right now trying to figure if I should market my uglies to the campers or not. Have had inquiry about purchasing loads of them from a couple people, but they aren't happy with a 25% discount price, I guess. If I go any lower on price I'd be giving the wood away for free as far as I'm concerned. Not to sound pretentious, but I'm not even gonna start the truck for less than $75.
Yup. Establish a handfull of satisfied regulars and you'll be good to go. Kinda how i started out back in the mid 2000's. Still have one of my original regulars. Only buys a half cord every year but still very pleased.
Yep. That's what I'd like. Most of what I sold this year will turn to ash in a fireplace. It shouldn't be super challenging (lol) for me to generate an extra 4-6 cord per year beyond what I need. I'm hopin word spreads around the fancy neighborhood I've been delivering to. Ain't none of those houses using wood for primary heat. We'll see I guess. This year was a bad year to dip my toe in due to warm weather. Meanwhile I'm just gonna keep at it, though not at a frenzied pace.
Id say 60% of my sales are to casual burners and only being able to deliver a half cord at a time it works for me.
I didn't take a single pic this weekend for unknown reasons. Moved a couple of loads of splits. Wanted to do some splitting, but never did. Spent some time sussing out a new leg of the dirtbike trail more than anything. My buddy's boy has 'complained' for a lack of hillclimbs. LOL There will now be a climb that I won't even consider on a side leg. Had to go down it yesterday with the Echo to cut some stuff out of the way and almost couldn't climb back up to get out of the ravine. Looking like another 1/4-1/2 mile or so of new trail to be opened up soon. There will be a bunny route around the new hill for the meek, such as I. Seen a bunch of deer around the woods on Saturday and Sunday. Makes me happy.
Coouldn't resist the nice weather and went and hauled a load of splits down after work last night. Did some tarpaulin maintenance on the stacks and put the recoil starter back on the splitter. Had it off because the dogs were not fully retracting after starting, making a pinging sound as they bounce off the starter hub...very annoying. Have quite a bit of bucking and splitting to do. Plan to lay into it this weekend. Weedeater season is creeping fast this year...need to get more done before.
Mud mud mud. The snow Saturday morning just made a mess of the dirt. I had been expecting dry and mild weather when I woke up. Bleh. I did get a whole bunch of stuff split. Forearms achy this morning. Neglected to take any pics. Made a bunch more rounds too. 6100 was ran Saturday making some cookies. Still off just a touch, but heaps better than it was 6 months ago. Will continue fiddling.
Messed with the 6100 a bit yesterday after lunch and yesterday evening. What a tempermental saw this thing is! I put it away satisfied last night though I didn't have a log handy to lay it into. I'm bound & determined to get this thing dialed. Once I do, Imma use the crap out of it. lol
Remainder of Makita bits showed today. Now gotta save up for a couple of coils and should be relatively covered for *most potential failures outside of burning one up.
Bustin out of work early today to go move some splits. Hope to finish up moving the last stack (not really but we'll pretend because it's friday) that needs it so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Then I'll have all the room needed for new stuff.