Went in at 5 this morning and got off at 4. Then came and done this. Dad rolled the round hay and I square baled. 81 rolls and 340 square. I went ahead and stacked two rows together because it will be just him and me tomorrow. Can't get anyone to work anymore
Those look spiffy! Welding on my log splitter build here lately I was having trouble seeing the weld puddle real well...welds not looking the best, worse than normal for sure, thought something was going on with my lens...tried it wearing some reading glasses, yup, that helped! Guess its cheater lens time.
I should have added those are for big dump truck rear suspensions, like seen on post #137. And I'm fully dependent now on readers. I think the more you use them, the quicker you become reliant. Sucks. I'm at a point if I try to look further distances through them, I get 1/2 dizzy.
No pics today. I'm home sick as a dog. Got the flu, covids, or hebejebes or something. Not feeling good at all.
I had to get prescription glasses made just for welding. Trying to position your head in a helmet with trifocals is a joke. Adding a helmet bib really helps block out the reflected light.
A day at your compound eating some of the good things you cook would probably have me back on my feet quickly
My load taking me to Wichita KS Brand new Cat D6. Yes, I had to drive it on myself. No spotter even. Empty I’m 38,000 lbs.
It always amazes me to think you can take all that stuff apart and put it back together as it is so big. Hoists and lifts must be your friend.