I got no pics for today. But, the slob next to me took an upper radiator hose off with the pressure tester still attached to the truck and the shop air!
Two hour ride in the freezing rain to the site with the shchwing this morning. The a few hours out in the weather and a wet return home. Fun times!
Opening up one of those can actually clear out a good-sized shop. Another tech was parting out an old undercarriage and opened up a particularly ripe one in the main shop. They told the rest of us to go take a lunch/walk while the shop aired out. Showroom folks weren't real happy either.
Funny you said that. Yesterday after lunch some guys were walking around looking for a natural gas leak. The daycare across the street closed because they were scared. Wound up being this rotten oil.
My heart goes out to you for fixing and keeping all that equipment running. You're doing some essential and nasty work. We can't get our lazy in house mechanic to do anything at our county landfill, it's usually the old timer operators who end up fixing the majority of our equipment. Man, those old guys know how to tear apart a bulldozer and put it back together like nobodys business. no telling how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they've saved the landfill over the past 30 years by not having to call caterpillar in everyday. Our mechanic, if you want to call him that, is quitting in December, and things gonna be different with the next guy, we'll make sure of that. I like to think I'm not one of the ahole operators who tear stuff up all willy nilly and I actually pay attention to keeping things in good condition and try to be gentle as possible on our machines. But hell, ya gotta tear chit up sometimes if ya wanna get the job done, am I right?? When ya work, chit gets torn up.
Don't get me started on the garbage truck driver's we have to deal with out here.. they're in a whole other class of their own.
I agree with you Hickory45 sometimes things just break and sometimes things get broken!. Thanks for the compliment.
Stupid duramax! 3" coolant line and you can't get to it. Have to work from the engine bay and through the doghouse at the same time.
This pump is off a dump truck. Tore it open and it looked like you poured a handful of gravel in it. I just bolted it back together and got a new one.