The wind damaged tree that was hung up in a pine came down overnight. Picture 3149 was the branch that wasn't up against the pine tree, it was hanging over a main trail, in picture 3150 you can see the branch that was leaning and loaded up against the pine tree before it broke and came back towards the area I would've been cutting, picture 3151 is taken from the stump end and 3152 is the branch that broke off and the pressure from the pine tree sent it back towards the stump end. Since tomorrow will be hotter, I mowed the lawn today with the push mower and tomorrow I should start on this tree.
We have a few people in the neighborhood that aren't feeling great so I limited the time I worked on this downed tree since they can hear the saw, I did use the tractor with the forks and then moved the rounds to the old splitting area.
I split some of what I think is a Bigtooth Quaking Aspen today and stacked it on some pallets, I still have some rounds left that need splitting. I split the bark off most of it....stinky stuff. The first picture is a fresh split with the moisture meter in it and the second picture is the bark being dumped off at the outside fireplace.
Except for getting rid of some tops in the fireplace on a wet day earlier in the week, I've been taking a break from any firewood chit. The other morning the wife mentioned how she was sick of looking at a big ole pine that's down (there goes my break) so today I weedeated a wide path in to the trunk of the downed pine, hopefully most if not all is bucked up tomorrow. All the rounds in the picture are out of that area, I'll be working on the big pine in the picture.