Pretty typical forecast for the front range in Colorado. We are at the intersection of cold/ wet......mild/snowy and warm/dry. Just depends on which way the wind is blowing on any given day. If it's a Pacific front it dumps all the moisture on the west side of the divide and we get cold/dry. If it's a low pressure tracking across AZ/NM, we get upslope and get dumped on. ....and if either of those track too far north or too far south...we get nothing. I still rely on the Les Nessman's eye witness weather report.
So which of these two maps is it? They are very different...or maybe FA is hedging their bets forecasters
The Old Farmer’s Almanac vs. The Farmer’s Almanac Weather: Farmer's Almanac vs. Old Farmer's Almanac - Gardenerd
Your bug is searching for the answer, just ask savemoney he's still smacking the screen with his fly swatter.
My winter prediction, we'll have some cold, some snow and we'll talk stoves, firewood, low and high temps and Zap will burn some cherry.
I didn't have my camera on a walk this afternoon but I saw my first woolly bear today, it had a very long rust brown section which could mean a milder winter.
Saw this guy out at the goat pen this evening. Looks like he may be half and half. Possibly just a little more orange.....