Hi all, first post here from Belgium, after lurking this site for years (I know you all by now )! Here is a pic of my selfmade woodshed. I used metal posts in the ground.
Scampie That is a beautiful shed. What size is it and do you have any pics of your saws, splitters, dogs? Welcome to the site, good to have you here.
Thnx Erik B! The shed is about 17 ft wide and 6 ft deep. My saw is a Stihl MS 271. Splitting is always done by hand. I have a woodblock with an old tyre mounted on it and I swing my maul like a madman ! At this moment no dogs for us, we lost two dogs a few yaers ago and it still hurts. I have a wife and two kids (15 and 13 years old) though.
I used this picture as an example to build my shed. I used metal posts that stick 120 Inches into the ground.
Great looking shed for sure .The thing around here in Ontario is that with a shed like that before long the wood would be covered in snow as the stuff blows around like crazy. I get some blowing in my shed along the ridge line which is closed .It comes through the ribs on the tin real fine stuff. I truly wish I could leave things open..
I used open ribs to dry the wood quicker. And boy it does! But, we do not often have much snow or snowstorms. Winters here are mostly above zero, dry and windy. My Red and White Oak reach 13% moisture after two to 2,5 years. The Beech and Birch I cut are mostly used after 1,5 year.
Oh, but we have snow around here too you know. I used to live in the Belgian Ardens, near Bastogne, and I can assure you, it can be cold and Snowy over there....for one or two months ;-)! 5 months a year is a bit too much for me (I like snow in the alps for skiing)! Where we live now is tropical compared to your place!
Not if it was applied properly...I'm mean if it is waterproof on a roof...(even a flat roof) Might be a bad idea, I dunno...just "thinking out loud" I guess
Skied German and swiss alps in my youth, and traveled through the Arden, beautiful country with good beer!!
I prefer the French and Austrian alps. About the beer; only the Belgian beers can be called delicious and famous ;-)! I served in the Belgian Army in Germany in the late 80's for four years, and I can tell ya, it's not the same..