Thanks. I drew a complete blank. I thought American Dental Association, but didnt think that applied?
American Disabilities Act. Looks like you could back a wheelchair in there. Raise em on a forklift and let em go deer hunting.
32 stinkin inches? That doesn’t even pass FHC standards. Rule books in the helicopter so take my opinion at face value
Im not sure if all the railings were that height as it was a triple level deck i demoed. Just boards and railings like that one you stopped by.
Just the rails and surface. Part of the bottom level being eliminated. 20 year old cedar with no stain or paint. Pressure washing had removed too much wood fibre and the knots were little raised bumps. Used the cats paw and salvaged it all. The guy i work/for with taking a couple dozen 16'ers and i took the rest. Reason you got the PT from that other job. Id be swamped with deck lumber.
Cool. I’d expand the bottom part but it’s always easy to spend someone else’s money. Looks it decent shape tho. I’m not gonna let you see my porch and deck i cobbled together 30 years ago. I’d walk out the front door and drop some morning You should be milling Black Locust hint hint
When i saw it i was like why on earth would someone change this, but after walking and stepping on some of the "rasied" knots i understood. I didnt have the heart to just sawzall/chain saw it up and toss. Even using the shorties for logs racks seems criminal in my mind but i have. I have enough trouble finding BL for firewood let alone primo logs for milling. The logistical problem pf getting logs to buzz-saws mill. We have milled a couple BL logs. Just one by stock though.
I am sure this will haul firewood/ kindling/ scraps at some point in its life. Free on the side of the road, JD 30 cart (originally build by Radio Flyer). The tongue had been cut, so I need to fix that, but I cant pass up a free JD...anything. It will go with my 8 JD garden tractors (wood isn't my only hoarding problem)
Scored a damaged Ondura roofing panel at lowes yesterday. 3'x6'. Normally $20+, mine for $5. I had scored another in a cull pack back in 2021. Great for stack covers. Not as dangerous as metal roofing. Adding another nugget bin in back of this one so need another.
They've been around for a few years. Compressed asphalt composition thats been painted. Cheap roof for outbuildings. Ive never used it before other than the piece i got in 2021. Its kind of flimsy and will distort out of shape. The one i scored yesterday was warped and will go back into shape with that 4x4 on it. The guy at Lowes said he would put damaged ones aside for me. Im always scrounged cull building materials there. Thinking about it, if i could get it dirt cheap in quantity i may slowly convert to it.
I offered the $5 and if they said no i wouldnt buy it. Damaged sheet goods are usually marked to half price, sometimes less. I found it in the rack like that. Also depends on who im dealing with. Some guys dont care and would give it away, whereas some are tougher and wont budge.
It’s still here LOL my dump trailer load of scrap metal has morphed into several loads Not sure about the motor the pull rope is half way out and not budging. Could be seized, could be the recoil. No idea what a peerless transmission is. Snapped a photo underneath. See anything you want?
Scored these plastic pallets yesterday. Happened to be in the area so i stopped by a supply house i usually get 3x8' wood ones. (the one i took just to the right) I have a couple already from a rack that i just dismantled