Helped contractor friend with a deck yesterday. 20' 2x8PT reclaimed deck ledger and some deck blocks ($10 each) saved for probable future use for stacks.
Scored these two log hoops from a job today. I made a comment and he said they're mine if i wanted them. Dont have to ask me twice. Kinda buried under a bunch of stuff. Solid steel, not tubular. 38" He didnt want this wood either. I know, i know, this is a wood related thread without the wood but it really didnt deserve its own posting! Ready to burn for the most part.
Picked up 8 plastic pallets for $2.50 each, just minutes from home! So glad yesterday someone else turned down my offer for 4x $10 apiece! Twice as many for half the cost, and 1/3 of the drive!
I can play... Pallets a plenty at work, usually have all different shapes & sizes. Also snagged the IBC tote and (4) collapsible wire baskets
Also they replaced the power poles on our road last year. I ended up with 7 or 8, and 10-12 cross bars. Will hopefully be lumber for a shed for the LT40. Not sure if the poles are SYP or Doug fir, definitely not Western red cedar Wasn't much of a scrounge since it was all within a mile.
Noneother than the one and only Buzzsaw Brad hooked me up with some nice pressure treated boards. 14&16 footers. Crossties for the pallet pens I now have plenty Thanks Brad. Made it home without incident or law enforcement interest.
I’ve been reconfiguring my stacks, and thinking a lot about how to handle shorties/uglies. Well, Hestia smiled upon me today and bequeathed me two IBCs for $20! They came from a beekeeping operation, so they threw in a couple small jars of honey! Talk about sweetening the deal! They’re food grade and really clean, so I’m tempted to sell them or keep one for backup drinkable water storage. Best of all they both baaaarely fit in the van in one load. I guess in a pinch I could’ve loaded them jo191145 -style!
You are welcome. Glad to see you made it home without incident. Wanna see pics of them repurposed. Thanks for the wood hoarding tools. They will get used.
These were to be trash. 4x8 sheet of corrugated plastic. Rigid and lightweight. Used for building material deliveries. Made for a nice top cover. Also these 4x6 landscaping timbers. Seven 8' pieces. They will be used for sleepers in a woodshed build ive got coming up this Winter.
Salvaged some rails from a deck demo and used them to make a nugget bin for a friend, Nice beefy pallet for a base. To be set on blocks and filled.
There's more if you'd like some. Just sitting in the dumpster. I have to go back and grab more. 4-5' sections.
The local power equipment dealer has a good supply of free pallets that I’ve grabbed lately. They’re not standard sized, but I’ll make it work for the price! Some I’ve grabbed just to cut up and make kindling. The not free part of this haul are the 10 blocks under the pallets. I’ll be using those to keep that pallets of the ground. I took the pic one wide angle, so things may look a little off.