I knew someone would spot that! No sauce , but her son in law leaves them all over! He was burning all the cardboard cases and there was a couple cans. Ill take the nickel!
Good find at the dump. Needs some work but can beat the price. Plastic tub and a bit wobbly. Never seen a 4 cubic foot with dual wheels. Gotta bring a couple sodas for the guys next time.
We have one buZZsaw BRAD that thing is handier than a pocket on a shirt! only thing that beats it is loader bucket
Correction...its a metal tub not plastic. It was rather hastily repaired. Third two wheeler i own. Just have to get a bigger tub for it. Someone customized it with never flat foam filled tires. No complaints here.
Something must be in the air. There were all kinds of wheelbarrows at the dump when I went on Sunday. It was weird. I’m pretty good in the wheelbarrow department so I didn’t grab any.
My neighbor is a maniac in the best possible way. I was done with a beaten down wheelbarrow, and he said he wanted it. It was far worse than what your “new” one looked like, Brad. He sanded and painted it, refinished the handles, etc. Now it’s the talk of the neighborhood! Apologies if I shared this with the forum in the past!
Yup. One guy has worked there for years. I stopped by the compost center to look for scroungable wood but nothing great to be had.
I came across a humongous pile of pallets leaned up against a dumpster the other day. Buried in there was this one plastic one. I’ve never seen this style before, but I’ll take it. Feels heavy duty. As I get further out time wise in my inventory, I think it’s probably a good idea to start switching over to plastic pallets as S.O.P.
When in need, I relentlessly stalk FDMP and CL and I've found free plastic ones more than once. Gotta be quick though.
Scored these from work, 60” x 136”. The runners on the bottom are hardwood. Gonna put regular pallets on top of them and use it for the base for another “pen” for the Amish sawmill blocks I get.
Scored three more sheets of Ondura roofing at Lowe's today. $5 each. All slightly damaged. One needs some patching. One sheet will finish a three cord stack.
Sure is. I spied these in the rack last week sometime but was in a hurry. When i went there today they were on top of a cull pack of lumber outside, BUT not included luckily so i offered $5 as i have for others and got them. Normally a cull pack is banded together and you have to buy the whole thing. Gonna have to reconfigure the second three cord stack to accomodate them. PITA but it is what it is. Always a work in progress as you know.
Put them on late today. The bad one (closest to the camera) ended up being covered by the prior sheet. Finished that stack which is 18'x 6' wide. The other two haphazardly covered a half cord stack of honey locust for now. Ill buy more as long as they are $5 each
Forgot about these. Scored back in May from part of an estate clean out. Tool box was to be trash including contents. Older Craftsman with thicker steel. Some decent hand tools including this half hatchet. The toolbox will get promoted to my take-a-long box when i go cutting. My current plastic one is on its way out.