I wanted to start something like that here but I think I was the only one at church that had a chainsaw and splitter.
That's all it takes, you have half the battle won already, the desire to help others. Do you have members that can help you? Do you have wood available? Know needy folks that can use the wood? Pray for guidance. A couple people gave us some extra wood this year, our neighbor came over the day before and helped get it bucked and piled, the next day several members came over, we had the trailer loaded in 2 1/2 hrs for a lady with cancer. She wasn't there when we dropped it off, but called a few hours later, almost crying, she was so happy. It was such a blessing to be a blessing, serving others.
I could get zero commitments so I just kinda went on my own. I have 2 couples in their mid 80’s that heat with wood so I make sure I have enough cut and split to get them thru the winters.
Good for you to help them out, keep trying and praying. I have asked a lot of folks, just a few show up. Oh, in that picture, 2 of the people that helped were my brother and Sil. They had come down for a visit.
Well, trying to get ready for April 25th. I have 2 triaxles here now. Getting at least 2 maybe 3 more for you wood cutting enthusiasts!! Lol
Well, probably just cutting for the most part. Kind of depends on the number of people showing up. I will have our splitter up and running. The most important part is getting it all cut up or as much as possible. I am then going to have a splitting stacking workday after this for those who want to help that way. I like to make sure my chainsaw enthusiasts have plenty of room to cut so there aren't less experienced people in their way.
Ok everyone, I have 4 triaxles here and I had bbq catering set up, but our President wants us to go until the end of April with the social distancing thing and the coronavirus is still an issue. Therefore, for the time being I am canceling the wood cutting day for the wood ministry. Hopefully we can reschedule it for May or June.