It's nice to have the guaranteed business but you need to be almost full time in firewood to keep them happy. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
Agreed. I don't mind being "full time" firewood in the cold, but I'm starting to tire of it. Now with cold going into mud season throws another wrench into the logistics nightmare.
I enjoyed firewood, I didn't want it to become a JOB...knowing you had to get out and do it. At the time, it sounded great, but I still working my 12hr shift job, and then someone got hurt worked a good bit of OT for about 5 months...
The last bit of sun for the day looked really pretty. I grabbed this shot when I was coming in from the shop. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
Took another afternoon off work today and delivered 1/4 cord of mixed hardwoods. When I got back I decided to split some shorts from my maple log pile. I just finished when one of my tree service buddies showed up with a full load of chips from a maple. He added them to the pile. I need to spread some next week. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
That's absolutely right. I really love getting chips to spread wherever I need them. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
The weather is decent today and it is supposed to rain tomorrow so I decided this would be a good night to do some spring cleaning. My burn pit was well past full and I had quite a bit of punky and rotten willow that a tree service dropped off but I wanted to get out of my woody yard. So the obvious choice was to load as much as possible with the skid steer, dump it and burn. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
The weather yesterday afternoon was spectacular for March. I continued working away on the last load of maple tree service wood. This is rack 5, each one being approximately 1/4 cord. Looks like I should have one rack left. I'll also top off a rack of shorts when I finish cutting. I'm finally getting to the big chunks. There's a bit of noodling going on. I loaded everything in the rack except for one round. After an attempt to lift, I decided I didn't have enough steam left in me and used the skid steer. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I took the afternoon off to continue the spring cleaning. I had several straight maple shorts that I split for tabletop fire pits and mini bundles. Then I split 1/2 rack of bone dry cherry rounds to top off some smoking wood that I keep handy for the roadside stand. Then I split some ugly shorts that I split and threw in a rack for the roadside stand. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
We had beautiful weather today and people came out of hibernation to get firewood. The first one came just before I got home and picked up a 4'x2' stack of mixed hardwoods and 3 mini bundles. As I started to restock, another customer came for 3 mini bundles. While I was wrapping the replacements, yet another customer showed up for 2 campfire bundles so he could have a fire while watching basketball with a buddy this weekend. It looks like spring burning season is officially starting. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
WooHoo! Keep on I think Winter cordage sales are finished for me. I picked up 3-4 off season volume customers so between now and the end of April im hoping to fill those. Around five cords. Bundle sales will slow now and usually April/May a bit better. Wholesale of course. Picked up another store. Thinking 2500 bundles for 2025. One quarter of the way there already with a delivery today. Hoping smoker wood sales are decent this season.
You are the bundle king! I made 8 last night and wasn't interested in doing more. What is your total cordage for bulk wood?
I think I figured 35 cords between bundles, general cordage, and BL/specialty woods. Not a fan of doing bundles myself. I always try to keep ahead but that seldom works out.
Firewood loading in process on a gloomy colder March morning. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I didn't initially notice but I see the poor fella is wearing a sling and loading a piece at a time. He's still there and looks to be loading either hickory or sugar maple.