No worries! I don't plan on burying anyone. Now if they got hit by a bus...just kidding! I'll just let the Lord deal with them. He's up to the task.
This sort of thing really gets under my skin. Maybe it’s kids though? Do have many firewood bundles “grow legs”?
It could be. I had some vandalize my mailbox a couple years ago. Other people's places, too. I caught them on camera and they got in trouble. Oddly people have been really honest. I think some people can't do math but I usually get some money. Most times it's 100%.
Got a little surprise after work. Mostly sycamore. First time I've had any in logs but they look pretty straight so I'll get them bucked and stacked tomorrow. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I haven't. I guess we'll see how the 27 ton splitter handles it. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
Would you say it splits better green or dry? Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I only have split...or tried to hand split when green. Not fun. It was a smaller diameter round too. Im sure the hydro will power through it but it still will have you dropping F bombs. The splits may not be pretty either. Please post a thread about it if you do. I dont recall seeing one in the time ive been a member here.
Yep. Blue Samson would probably do ok with it, bigger wedge and push through design. It handled some twisted pecan.
Some splits good, some is like this... I would definitely sharpen the wedge on the splitter for sycamore
It cut like butter. Of course I was running a ported 576XP with a new chain. I may try splitting a couple small rounds today just to see what happens. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
buZZsaw BRAD wanted a thread, which I may do when I get further into the logs. What I can say is that the sycamore split great. I ran 2 rounds through. Reminded me of silver maple. Not stringy at all. A few chips split off. I'd split this all day every day. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
Good deal, I won't screw around with sycamore after previous attempts. The sycamore I had was like trying to split compacted cardboard, it just shredded. It did split better after 6 months but I'd moved on.