Burned fine but gah it stinks like antifreeze. Sweet smokey smell. Not a favorite. Will hand it off to someone else. Must be a wood snob but the hooter smells things much more strongly when one sense has depleted...
I'm burning pine and poplar right now because it was left in the log yard in nice size, easy to get, log length. BUT!...these are fast drying! Willow, however , is not fast drying! In fact , it is the slowest drying. I don't want to sit three years on wood that takes three years to dry, and only makes a minimum amount of btu's . If the willow is super easy to get or your helping a friend out by taking it, ok. But your time and energy would be much better spent searching for higher btu wood or something that dries fast.
Well for sure you should not have a problem finding wood in your area. Haven't been there for a few years now but do like the area. We used to live NW of Escanaba.
I wouldn't travel 20 minutes for it, but I'll pick it up if I'm there already (filled my truck at the dump a couple times) and I'll take it if it's being dropped off. It is a miserable wood for all the reasons stated up thread, but burns hotter than snowballs and cheaper than oil.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I think I will stick to what I have on my land. I was just thinking it would be best to use someone else's firewood than mine first but its more work that its worth. I think if a neighbor has it I will grab that but the 40 minutes just doesn't make sense. Awesome community thanks all.
I have a lot of willows growing in the marshy areas of my property and it grows and spreads like a weed. I despise them and try to keep off the areas I mow. I burn them all in brush piles if it drops in an area I mow otherwise I leave them lay.