I have some pro and con on the Woods and Sons after running all winer. Cons: The fines in the bags is more than the Logik-E and Canwick by a large margin and it percolates down in the hopper. My biggest issue though, is that they don't feed completely in my Harmon 43C. The pellets are maybe too small or aren't as "slippery" as the hardwood pellets but it forms a funnel shape and the stove flames out unless you manually reform the hopper load into a pyramid. Pros: Local company in Maine and sources wood from local mills which source from local properties. They were 10$ cheaper a ton than hard wood. They burn EXTREMELY clean. I imagine being soft wood based this is why, but the ash content is just amazingly low. Also, it keeps the window much cleaner and required less wiping. I honestly couldn't believe what was in the ash pan after my first 40 pound bag earlier this winter, it was really cool to see so little ash. Even though having to get into the hopper 3-4 times per 40 pound bag to keep it flowing, I am going to get more because of the local nature of the product and how much cleaner they run. Days I am home and can monitor the stove I don't mind getting in there and re arranging the pellets, my wife doesn't so I'll keep the Logik-E for her .
Was gonna grab a ton from Henry the last time I was up there but DOH forgot before I left they were 1.2 tons and I was in F150 not F350 so I grabbed a ton of Matra's
Yeah... good call. Had you been local, you might have got away with cheating a bit.. not going back to MA, though!! Dan
I will still burn pellets, but jut while we are in the great room. I am topping off today at 1.37 a gallon, with funds tight and no great pellet deals I will buy from my store at 4.30 a bag, not the best burner, but perfect for our needs.
I'm going to do what I normally do. I'll burn off and on through May and wait for our local box store to have a sale and buy 'em up. I need another ton to get through next year but I no way I'm just getting one. I need at least 4 right??
I check CL every once in a while. Got a ton of Hardwoods, rebranded Cubex, for $125 last weekend. My P61a LOVES Cubex but they are normally way out of my price range. At this point I'm already sitting on about 4 tons and the Cubex are currently stacked directly in front of the stove in the basement. Come fall, there will be some shuffling of stock to do.
As things get crazier day by day in this country I shifted my plan to get my season supply early , So I'm stocked and good for the season.
They're getting so crazy I'm thinking of selling in all this mayhem and moving da heck out -- into an -- egad get this -- a green home or one powered by gas. My burning days could be over.
As much as it's a pain in the azz to load, clean, maintain, fix, etc. the stoves sometimes, there's still nothing like that heat, flame and ambience coming from the corner of my living space.
yea, its a bit tough to think about heating the cave when its so hot and humid out.....much easier to do when theres frost expected! I only hope pellets wont be the toilet paper of the fall!