I'm totally shocked by all this!!! I avoid electrodes and grounding at all costs... I hate getting shocked!!!
I never would have guessed that spark plugs would cause such a spirited discussion….anyway, I got a customer’s ms362 on the bench for a replacement crankcase half, and a port job. Finally got the replacement crankcase half, so I finished the machine work this morning before work.
Do you leave that squish band as is or is there any further smoothing? I've used an old piston with sandpaper glued to the top to squeak out proper .025 before and that left a real smooth surface. Not sure it matters though.
was able fish the Side Ground Electrode Strap with a magnet before started blowing it out. Piston took such a beating on the noggin, it closed the ring slot and pinched the ring in place.
New P/C kit, gasket and plug for the decomp. And a new base gasket All OEM I’m a fan of the Autotune. I think it’s very forgiving.
Update on the oem 372xp P&C I ordered from ebay a few weeks ago that showed up with a broken ring and missing wristpin clips. The seller insisted that I file a warranty claim through Husqvarna so I filed a return and refund claim with ebay. Ebay sided with me and the seller was supposed to send a return shipping label. I contacted ebay today after not receiving a label and apparently they forgot to follow up with the seller so ebay issued me a refund and I can keep the item . Looks like I'll just order a set of caber rings and some circlips and call it a day. Win win!
Good for you! It’s a battle of attrition and since you showed up and returned volley, they cut and run, for what ever reason. We end up with lots of free beauty products in our house, sticking to principles.
This was literally the first return I've ever tried to do through ebay so I was sticking to my guns. I'm definitely happy with the way it turned out haha.