Finished up last nights smoke at 11:30 today. Brisket and pork smells amazing. Letting it rest now and should be eating around 2. Threw some cornbread together last minute, cranked up the smoker and it’s looking really good too.
Each has their pluses and minuses but they all give good results. Charcoal takes the most time but can give the hottest fastest sear if you do it right (Kamado or chimney). The flame thrower is fastest overall with the least cleanup, but is outdoors only plus the wife and neighbors look at you funny. The salamander is quick with easy cleanup and is inside out of the weather. The cast iron pan lets you add herbs and seasoning to the oil, a bigger benefit with poultry, fish or pork, but you have a pan to clean and usually some splatter. I am leaning salamander today, but there is plenty of time to change my mind.
Had to have a little sample. Seared up the small strip from the edge before kickoff. Went salamander for this piece.
BBQ baked potatoes, WOW Topped with butter, sour cream, pulled pork, Colby jack cheese, candied jalepenos, onions, and bbq sauce.
Thanks Unicorn. I was browsing the thread and saw a pic of your traeger. It reminded me I have been smoking cheese outside for the last 5 hours. I had to get out of bed and grab the cheese off the smoker.
My dad and I stopped by Kroger’s this morning and Chuck Roast was half off. I smoked it then tossed it in broth. I’ll shred it when it’s done and put it on toasted rolls with horseradish and smoked Swiss.
The shredded beef roast from this weekend is about gone so I started a pork butt. It’s been brined overnight and put on the smoker with seasoning. I’ll check it in the morning.
Things didn’t workout as planned. I had an allergy attack so I took some drugs, next thing I know its 0900 and the Butt is done. The bark was overlooked but the inside is good. Over 14 hours on a load of pellets. The Traeger is a work horse.