Steak-um? We have a small deli slicer and I buy top round roasts and shave them, in fact that’s what we are having right now even on paper plates.
yeah similar...maybe a little better looking for the empty box....stand by i forgot the brand
Last weeks pulled pork since we're folding our sammich this week. Wife's found a great recipe for the roasted peppers, jalapenos, lime, etc.
Not the best picture but tried something new. Smoke chicken thighs after dry-brining them. Then sautéed onions, jalapeños and bell peppers then threw it together
SKEETER McCLUSKEY what time and temp have you found works best for chuck roasts? Looking for pulled beef so I assume pull at roughly 208? Just bought a couple 5 pounders to do for Easter. Have made a few to slice but never pulled. Gonna try something new.
wow!!5 pounders are big!!! your gonna have to break them down real good!!!! bigger is not better....i dont go by temp,just tenderness
What temp do you cook at? I’ve been looking at different stuff but 225-250 seems to be the number I’ve seen. We didn’t have much choice on the roasts at the store. They had bigger. I think one is 4.7 and the other is 4.9.
if you cook @225° you better take a day off work i like to cook chuckies @275+ in the smoke til im happy with my bark...then foil or wrap..however yer rollin...til probe tender
It’s the weekend, I’m working around the house is all. I’m going to give her a try. I’ll try to remember to take progress pictures. I have to throats a pork tenderloin in too at some point but those don’t take too long.