I'm planning on cooking some wings and pork chops on the pellet grill this evening? Ideas on temp and time?
maybe Chvymn99 will pop in,i been outta the pellet game for about 10 years....but if your looking for crispy skin wings that would be a high temp cook...if your lookin for "bite through" skin that can be done at 275° or higher....no set times,chops would be done @145° and chicken 165°-170°....instant read thermo is your friend....dont overcook the chops,if you brine them they will stay moist.
Nothing to fancy here but these chicken thighs were a great juicy snack last night. Sometimes its nice to smoke something easy and these were a great last minute idea. Smoked in my aging Bradley smoker with apple wood for a couple of hours. I gave them 15 minutes or so in the oven at 400f to help firm up the skin. Skin was somewhat firm and the house filled with the great smell of smoked chicken. I didnt eat all of them so today they will be a tasty treat.
Thanks, I ordered a wireless probe this morning. Have a regular probe until then. How do you brine? I told y'all I was new at this...
Wings... about an hour on 225 F... I only flip the drums. I set my wings to the left.. and drums go to the rights... I do 2 packages of wings at a time, fills up the smoker. The wings I buy are smaller than the wings that I think you brought to the Michigan GTG last year. Will probably need 30 minutes more or do up a little higher temperature. When the juices are clear.. your a Good to Go... then have your wing sauce ready to go. I just toss them in a big salad bowl and flip them... now if you want, I’ve only done it a few times is to take them back out & give them like 10-15 more minutes to set the sauce.
Thanks! They turned out fantastic! Definitely add pork belly to my butcher shop list from now on. SKEETER McCLUSKEY that's a nice lookin butt!
Hanger steak from a local custom butcher shop. One marinated and one with just S&P + olive oil. It was amazing. Even father-in-law approved.
Just put 2 slabs of baby backs on the smoker @2:00... First time with these...hope they turn out great.