Piece of chuck after seasoning (have to go light or the Mrs. balks- she likes her food 'hold the flavor') On the smoker at ~210- 220 for 30 min. I smoked it until it hit 165F internal. The wrapped in foil, added a couple of cups of beef broth and left it on the smoker until it hit 200F internal. It was excellent! Brian
I don't trim any fat off, I always get the flat cut brisket from Costco. I wrap them once there's some decent bark on, around 170 degrees.
Thanks, I'll give that a try. I usually pull it at 205 then let is rest 60 minutes, not sure if that's right or not?
Sounds about right to me. I should place a caveat on my advice here though and state that my experience smoking meat is limited so take it for what its worth...