Hopefully the venison meatloaf will taste good. I needed something to eat for lunches at work so I made these up and smoked them tonight. They smell good but look like dinosaur turds.
Pork shoulder steaks are on the smoker as we speak! Daughter is sick and has to stay home from school today so figured I don’t have anything else to do since I can’t go cut wood.
A Christmas Gift... 12 lbs of Summer Sausage.... (the smoke cheese goes with it).... Ready for the snow now...
I like to do it when the temperature is 40 and below... I take a metal vegetable can poke a decent hole in the side. It goes in the offset of the smoker. And it gets the small chunks of wood let and then just keep feeding it. Once in a while I’ll have to use the old style propane light and set it on low and aim it for the hole. This just helps keep the wood burning... I’ve tried the pellet tubes... but to me the smoke on the cheese that way isn’t like regular wood smoke. It’s a just different...
I use my dads recipe... But instead of venison that we always used back at home. I use 93-7 hamburger... I like the less fat in it. Its just a plain jane sausage so to speak... Dad sometimes would liven' it up with white pepper and cayane pepper... I'll see if I can post it later on...
OK thanks. We just ate a stick yesterday that I made awhile back. I normally make about 4 lbs up at a time. I have never smoked it though.
Sorry for the late response. I mixed in eggs, bread crumbs, oats, Dales seasoning, McCormick steak seasoning, jalapeños and sriracha hot sauce. I over cooked them but the flavor was good. I slice them up and take them as snack or lunch food. Its good protein and the venison is lower in fat.
So for Maine, after September up till late April, I'll be good to go Do you monitor the temperature? Just wondering if it's just the cheese being in the smoke, or does (guessing) 150* "open" or soften the cheese so it takes the smoke in?
No... 150 would probably melt it... did that once....... tried with small chunks out in the open... not a fun clean up... No I believe like 70 degrees and below... Thats why I do it at 40 and below... From the warm up of the sun on the black metal will get a bit of heat... But basically you just want the smoke and no heat....
I might have to try real wood next time. I’m spoiled with the pellets, light it and forget it. I’ll sacrifice convenience for flavor.
Pellets are convenient, don’t get me wrong and it’s still good. But I just really enjoy the flavor that mulberry wood gives to the cheese....