Salmon, shrimp, and roasted potatoes and veggie in the terracotta. Fish and veg came out awesome. I way over cooked the shrimp. Lesson learned.
Funny you posted this, I wanted to ask everyone what their favorite lump charcoal is? I’m looking to try it out in my fire pit for grilling
Man, you buying those from a freaking quarry? Ive found a small rock or two that thats ridiculous!! Cant remember what your go to lump brand is?
Not enough seasoning? Just had to go get some more.... ... Never quite seen that done... I'm assuming searing them?
What are those. Looks good. Ok you cut s hunk out of the center, fill with cheese ?, then wrap in bacon. Am i close?
bologna i cut out with a cookie cutter,pepper jack in some and sharp chedder in the others,1/3 slice low sodium bacon and sprinkle with brown sugar,cook on rack with apple smoke.i used a core tool for the center and the cheese