I'm actually getting ready to transition my stoves back to TSC's. I still have 7.5 bags left of the matra's but the next few days are supposed to be very cold and windy so I will be putting the stoves on constant burn. It doesn't make sense to have the super premium pellets in there to idle along. Then about Wed-Thurs, the wind should die down and temps come back up some so I can go back to Matras and put the stoves back on room temp/thermostat.
been starting to expiriment with the stove mode[constant mode]....running room auto/manual most times since i bought this workhorse.. seems to burn much hotter with lower settings on the Stove mode...... came downstairs and living room was 83 degrees at 2:am..had to drop the temp # down and fan speed also... man what a Beast this Harman is and didn't even have it at half battle speed..!!!!!!!!
Logik-e in the upstairs stove as I grabbed a ton today, T&D and the Okie Plats for the poor P43 . Have never roasted the Logik-e and do like them a lot these are the softies, only minor gripe would be they are very short pellets and load quick but the stove should adjust to that theoretically with the ESP.
First impression of the Vermont wood pellets I scored today they are burning hot and no ash, I'm gonna give it a few more days of burning but they may turn out to be my pellet of choice and they smell great too
They are good pellets man only thing that is that they funnel if you have to leave your stove unattended.
Thanks for the info .....will post an update after this weather passes gonna get cold down here in the swamp
I I have been doing the same. The past few days I’m leaving it in room temp and putting it on manual for the igniter and it seems to use less pellets then stove temp and keep it just as warm in here.
I always run my stove in stove temp when I'm home and awake. Room temp at night and when I'm at work. I like the constant heat blowing from it.
I never run either way to save the ignitor..It could last for years....... .reminds me of driving with the windows down on a 95 degree day to save gas and not use the AC.
Constant burn baby always, each morning at 3:3o am I check the weather and set the stove appropriately am annoyed when the stove shuts down but at this time of the year it would not ever shut down just idle down. Dan with Matra's you speaking of not having any funneling problems ? I had an old timer who told me this week (he actually is a dealer of pellets) that he sprays PAM on his hopper after letting the stove cool down and then lets it dry and he has no problem with funneling . Anyone try this yet as I feel it could be a disaster if it did not work but if it does Heck I am all in and will try it. While my brother is Mike there is not much I won't try (for you old folks Hey lets get Mikie he will try anything !cereal commercial) If you have tried it let me know because I have a few brands that funnel pretty bad but other than that they burn like a champ. Thanks
I haven't had funneling issues with the Matras. However, since I have hopper extensions that probably isn't a good test.
1 would think the pam spray would be a 1 trick pony in as much as 1 hopper full of pellets would probably remove any pam spray after a while... don't know since never tried it..
my hopper never get's that low anyways.. besides, I'm sorta like my ole man was with his car., He was old school..he never let her get under half/tank.. We used to ask, " hey Pop, why don't u ever let the tank get below half"? his answer was, " Cause ya don't goshdarnit that's why". that was Pop's stock answer to lot of things growing up. anyways, i usually throw another bag in at either half way down or 1/4 way down..
I'm burning Indek softwoods... have been for a few weeks. Really fine ash... about 1/2 of what the hardwoods I've been burning. After seeing how much ash was in the vent pipe last week I used the leaf blower twice to get it cleaned out. Maybe it was time for a cleaner pellet.