Makes me feel almost guilty but Im lovin winter (sorry friends). We are above normal but were supposed to be highs of 10F and lows of -2F for Christmas. Only on a wood burning forum do we hope for wood burning weather! Hope you all have some frigid, wind swept weather in your near forecast!
Im looking at new ice fishing spots close to home so hope to be cooking some lake trout soon. Fire pit parties are the best. We will have them here even when its cold. How cold the night is decides how big of a bon fire we make. Enjoy! I love my outdoor fire pit gatherings. What kind of fish do you like to cook?
saskwoodburner its nice we get to go full steam ahead on wood burning. Its much better than our brethern out east!
I have a round of cherry ~15" diameter that has been sitting in the heated (and ventilated) S&R department at work for two and a half years. Really curious to see what kinda moisture bubbles out the end. I am likely to light off anyway about it, but we will see a high of 63* tomorrow and cloudy. This will be in the enclosed fireplace we use less than half a dozen times a year.
It's 48* right now and going up to 61* before noon (with high winds), then down to 40* later on. It takes too long for this ancient house to register outside temp fluctuations, so I have the stove going and if I get too hot, I'll open a couple windows. We all may be down to under pants (pictures? I think not for public decency), but it's going to get colder (high of 10* by Monday). Plus, I have the kettle on the stove for when I need another coffee.
We do DRY wood! Apple is very nice! Currently we have about 3 face of crab apple and it's by far one of the favorites here. Usually it's reserve for cooking wood but it's a beautiful warm night when it goes in the stove...
Well, since I have no xmas tree, lights, or decor, fire is mandatory. I'm afraid I'll be burning with the windows open tomorrow as its supposed to be high 50s, but dangit, I'm gonna burn something!
Cool here in Washington state. For starters, last year's Christmas tree. It's a tradition. Then some nice tamarack my son brought back from college for Christmas break. Sorry to all you East-coasters. Just don't seem like Christmas when it's 70 or so outside.
Mine too. By far. We're in Western Washington, and it won't grow here on account of the lack of sun. Gotta go to the east side of the state to get it, so when I do get some, it's a real treat.
Makes you appreciate it more I bet! I feel the same about my apple that Im burning tomorrow. I just posted a picture of some larch over in the whats your temp? what are you burning thread.
Well it was 69° here today, felt a lot like Easter!!! So we stuffed one of my 100yr old lanterns in the fireplace and kept the mood...had a wonderful turkey dinner with family, God is Great!!
It is starting to look like I'm going to be burning electricity to run the dehumidifier. It is up to 78% in the house! Everything outside is soaking wet. If it was outside, it is soaked from the rain. If it is under cover on the porch, it is covered in condensation. By brother has been running air conditioning at my mother's house! My house is better insulated so we haven't quite gotten that far yet. But we are close. I may have to burn some Diesel in the tractor. Rain washed out part of the driveway. It is really unbelievable how much rain we have had.
Fire it up. Open the windows. I had my patio door open a little tonight. Those 2 splits of hickory were to much I guess. It's 35 here now.
UGLIES !! The IS will get a partial load of uglies, we are near the end of this seasons' un-stackable BTU's. They burn GREAT in this stove. Waste not, want not..... Merry Christmas everyone!!