I have read about that sometime or another. Great post.. Mostly pine spruce and alder so I read. As of 2017 The oldest oak tree in Norway is 1000 years of age. Crazy
Bark Up or Down? Firewood Splits Norwegians A Hot Debate: Stacking Firewood Bark Up or Bark Down? Lab Notes
Long tall & solid. Now I got a bunch of IBC totes, so I'm going for the leoht look as time goes on. I'm not long or tall, but I'm still pretty solid in a chubby sort of way.. As for my character, I'll leave that to others to determine by how I've treated them.
I actually had a good convo with backwoods savage about bark up or down. Dude has some incredible knowledge!!!
I've got neat stacks, and big tall mountains. It just depends where they are, and when they'll be used. There's no shortage of wood. That's what my wife would say.
As close to the house as possible with a months worth on the back porch No wheelbarrow so I keep it handy
Not sure where I fit, but when my brother saw the hols hausens I had erected, he asked who did it for me. Just about got thrown off the property.
I use IBC totes for my firewood now. I just brought 24 more home on Friday, and need to go back and get 6 more they want to get rid of. Charles
This is one of our sheds. Most are empty. Guess I need side support, that's where the hunny comes in. We are being frugal this year, using pallet boards and shorts/chunks.
None of my stacks are freestanding, they are all supported by brackets and 2x4's. So... lack of confidence? It suits my processing method. I scrounge a little wood at a time, split a little at a time, and stack a little at a time. I think of them as bookshelves that gradually fill up.
Based on this list, I probably fall into "a lot of wood"...I think. Does a 5 year supply count as a lot?