Oh, I think I have to empty the templates for other themes Check back in a couple mins. Also, just fixed the issue of thumbnails not loading in the profile tab.
I don't see it as big deal, if you wanted to change the text or something you could delete it and then upload again
So you haven't replaced the current gallery with this newer one yet is that correct? And the firewood Hoarder's club gallery and a member gallery are separate??????
Yes, I am still waiting for images to be added to the empty albums in the "new galleries" and I am also still looking for a way to exclude the one user that hosts the Galleries from the albums list.
Breadcrumb trails fixed for Maps and for Albums. Only selected tabs are left to fix-- that being the most difficult part of these.
Tabs are all fixed! When in either the Maps or in the Albums, the members tab is lit. I am sticking a fork in it and calling the user albums done.
I changed the status here back to "Being Addressed" because work on the gallery and member albums is still going on. Just to be clear, let me define what is a gallery and what is a member album: Gallery: Any user can add photos. Represents the best of the best for this website. Linked to from the homepage. Member Album: You personal photos. Shows up on your profile. Can be made private. Anyway, both galleries and albums are running off the same software add-on. Myself and Shawn Curry have been working on creating an illusion, making the albums and galleries appear as separate entities so we can have both features without having to get even more software. Well, that part of the project has just been completed thanks to Shawn's brilliant coding. Next up is fixing the last of the breadcrumb issues.