Tell her if I had any I would but I've lost any I ever may have had. I tried to call you but can't seem to get a signal on my phone right now.
Thank you. A wise cousin of mine said something to me in the days following, that I found poignant- when you love someone, you will never have enough time with them. Mom was so heartbroken by the loss of Dad, I try to be less selfish, and try to find some solice that her anguish has ended. It might help, a little. And it certainly helps to know that we are not in this alone.
Wow, EL3. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Left behind is a good description. But as a believer, I know it's only temporary. This is a temporary home for all of us.
That is a heartwrenching story to read - I can't imagine living it. My condolences on both of your losses.
God's infinite wisdom always comes through at the right time. Today's Scripture verse speaks strongly to this thread... February 25, 2021 Verse of the Day As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 NIV
So a teaching our Pastor gave perhaps 20 years ago, and my experiemce added: When we hold a dime close to our eye, we can see it in great detail. In fact, call that dime idolatry, grief, pain, addiction, or whatever. When it is held close to our eye, good things are blocked from view. Our strengths, gifts, annointings, fruit, other that is sent to us... The goal is to move that dime away from our eye...and begin to see the good things previously blocked from view. This can ONLY be done by our will, and through His strength. When that "dime" moves away, the rest of the world comes back into focus, this breathes new light, life, hope, and a reason to carry on. Call it 'looking around the dime'. As the dime moves away, it is not changed, nor diminished in value!! As it moves away, it is put in it's proper place. When its all hitting the fan, I believe we do well to ask Him to help keep perspective, to not allow the dime to be too close for too long, to allow us to see around it..... As Brothers and Sisters, lets pray for each other to have hope, purpose, to see His reason for us to be alive in this time and place. If we are alive, it is for a very good reason! One of my dimes, is food. When fasting, the only way for me to be sucessful, is to focus on the purpose for the my will, His strength. That very thing, keeping a bead on the prize, an eye toward the finish line, keeps the dime at bey, keeps me from crashing at every temptation....keeps the focus off my discomfort....prevents me from imploding. So my prayer for all of yall here who have been through some pretty burly losses, have hope. May He grant you vision and purpose and direction, and may you grab it with all your strength. Love in Him always, Sca
It sure doesn't help when family doesn't talk anymore. Praying for your strength and hiw to hanfle this situation
I hate when families part. Many of us have seen that and/or have it happening. I too have a brother who is full of hate for the whole of humanity. We have not spoken now for 20 years. Yet I am close to his children. Go figure. btw, I don't know how but two of his sons became ministers.
I am sorry for what you are going through. Thank you for sharing, I've found it to be one of the few things that help. Sharing, and time, and the occasional laugh that a good friend can pull out of us at these times. Many of us share similar family dynamics, it certainly doesn't make any of this easier. I feel for you, and am sorry that you are having to go through it.
Thank you Easy Livin' 3000. It’s really something to be able to talk with one another here on FHC, isn’t it.