Night time magni Dennis my friend these may be of some comfort to you this evening. 1st Peter 5:7 Isaiah 41:7 & 43:2 Matthew 11:28-29
I did not know Backwoods wrote a book. Backwoods, I have no help to offer. My mom has decided that while she is snowed in and not receiving visitors due to the covid, she sleeps when she is tired and sews regardless the time of day or night.
I wish I knew what could be said to lessen the pain. Trying to understand why good people are taken from us and not so good people are allowed to run amok is frustrating. Everything in this life comes in cycles. Night and day, the change of seasons, pain, joy, love, hate, fear, faith etc. Everything is in stark contrast with its polar opposite. It would be impossible to understand one thing without first knowing its opposite. Cold, dark winter days make bright warm summer afternoons that much more special. When it’s dark outside and we go to sleep at night, we have faith that there will be a tomorrow to wake up to, with the sun shining on a brand new day. We don’t worry about the darkness winning out over the light. I think it’s the same with the loss of a loved one. The pain you feel now will be replaced with the joy you’ll share together in that next place.
My father fell in the kitchen on Superbowl Sunday, 2020. My mother called me to come down to help him up to bed, as she had many times before. This time was different. This fall resulted in numerous broken bones, including several vertebrae. Eleven days later, I got a call from the hospital at 8:12 am on February 13, 2020, that had he had died. It was a Thursday. Mom seemed to be bouncing back a little after. 66 years is a long time to be with someone. Then the isolation of covid took it's toll, and despite my best efforts, she started to drift away. I took her some dinner on Wednesday night, and called for her, sometimes she would be asleep, or just didn't want to talk. So I went home. I went back down the next day, to check on her, about noon, and the food I had left the night before was still on the counter. I walked through the house, and this time, went back into her bedroom. Lots of lights on, and the tv. I started to go outside, and through the sliding glass door, I saw some fabric in the back yard, where none should have been. My heart sank. I walked briskly down the back deck steps. As I got closer, I saw that it was Mom, laying face down in the cold, in a bed of leaves right next to a hemlock tree. I could tell she'd been there at least overnight, probably had been there when I dropped the food off the night before. It was Thursday, January 28, 2021. Just a few days short of a year from Dad's passing. My life since then has been a cloud of darkness and despair, as the grieving for Dad that I had pushed down, for Moms sake, arrived at the same time as my grieving for Mom. I was very close to both. I tell this story, Dennis, because we are the ones who are left behind. As difficult as it is, I have no doubt that those who left us would want us to carry on, the best we can, until we join them. Will we see them again, in some afterlife? I don't know the answer to that question. But I do know that our remaining life is short, even if another 50 years, even if so much less bright because of their absence. We honor their memory by being strong and remembering them with joy and gladness. Let us find a way to do that, however difficult.
Dennis, can you share some of your memories with us. I for one would like to hear some. I don't know her real well but through your memories I would get to know her better.
This is no doubt the one they are referring to: Primer on Woodburning by Backwoods Savage | Firewood Hoarders Club
Backwoods Savage Dennis, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. I just happened to stumble on this thread and was devastated to learn of Judy's illness and passing. Only thing that I know to tell you is to hunker down, let God be with you, and absorb all of the memories of your Judy that you can. Take the time to morn your loss, there is healing in there for you. Praying for you man.....
Yes, it makes the thought of the next GTG bittersweet, but important to get together and support our friends.....
She says so do you! You are at the age in life where are your only job is to be a teacher and pass on your wisdom