is my thought too. Hopefully some average Winter temps are in the future with no snow and you can hit it hard. Gotta get my butt in gear and hoard more myself. Rain has not helped. This week.
I do enjoy cutting Ash. When I get to the punky part, makes me feel like my MS250 is quite the monster saw! LOL!
More ash salvaging today. A year later almost to the day and I must’ve not learned my lesson because the saw wasn’t in my truck today either Grabbed whatever lengths of dead ash I could flip flop and load. Some in fair condition, some superb. There’s a bunch more where this came from that’ll get its own thread in due time.
A little more from a couple nearby spots. The bulk of it came from the first location where I had to toss the rounds across the drainage ditch onto the dirt road. At the second location there were smaller rounds, a shallower ditch, but the wood was a little further gone. Fading daylight ended my adventure a few rounds short of a full load. All in all a decent haul though.
Spoke too soon on the full load. I was passing a residential area and saw some butchered up noodled chunks of red oak at the end of a driveway with a free sign. Why not, I thought
Nice take! Esp the oak. TSC or like places sell a replacement spout for gas cans, particularly if you hate those spring-loaded requires-three-hands-to-operate gas cans.... P.S. I like the "vote harder" sticker.
It’s for sale. No more hits on Craigslist yet but I might post it here. Actually used it today at home to buck the skinny logs from this morning.
I see an ankle breaker brook there. Kudos for hitting the battlefield. I roll ankles on flat ground Like the sticker too.
I’ve got arthritis in my right ankle and wear a brace on that side. Between the hiking yesterday and the scrounging I’m paying for it today As for the sticker, it really angers people who are still stuck in that endless mental loop of “my team is less bad than your team” I’m just so done with it, with all of the BS. Gonna go with the flow and watch the picture show from now on. Let everyone else get riled up every cycle, and exist in a constant state of tension the rest of the time. Yeah, vote harder, things will change!
Send me a picture of that brace sometime. Would like to see what ya got. I’ve got two braces but I never wear them, way too uncomfortable which is why I’d like to see yours My left ankle can double as a U joint if I ever have the need,
Cheapo Amazon thing. I wear it 90% of the time. Also a diet change helped HUGELY. I stay away from foods that cause inflammation, which the importance of in managing arthritis can’t be overstated. As a side effect the diet change also helped me drop 15 pounds and I’m still losing weight. That extra weight in itself does the joints no favors.
I feel like I’m reliving 2020 all over again grabbing these pre-cut log lengths of black birch off the side of the road. Since I’m “done” scrounging for a bit, I no longer carry a saw in the truck with me. Black birch being premium though, it’s hard for me to say no. These are going straight to my uncle who needs it more than I do. If the large trunk section is still there in a couple weeks, I may pick away at it with the saw.