gasifier, I think it's maybe an 09 but I have no idea. I bought it used a few years ago. It came from a gasline installation company somewhere in the States. I made my own 3 pth arms but they aren't quite right, I wish I had the original ones. I have about 15 front attachments for it. The backhoe is great and I use it a lot. I hope you have more luck than I did the 1st time I removed mine, it had never been off and was stuck fast. I ended up grinding the bracket in half to get it off. Now it's no problem and I take it off pretty regular just so it doesn't seize up again. I built a cab for mine and love it especially in the winter. My wire basket skids, I just unhook them to empty the bottom.
Sweet, I could only wish my tractor could lift that much weight. They don't build them like they used to.