Still a nice score. I burn down to 3”, so limb wood is fine. I’m not going to go out of my way to get it because it takes more time and energy to process, but if I get it for free and don’t have to work for it, it’s mine.
Pics of the new rig! I keep down to about wrist or elbow size limb wood. Like dad always says, it'll burn.
Same here. I might as well add it to the firewood stacks. Otherwise it has to go in the burn pile and our burn season is short.
It’s 9’ long 7’ wide, but I haven’t measured the height with the side boards yet. Remind me of the cubic feet measurement of 1 cord of loosely thrown firewood?
Nice!! Congrats Jim, that should last you a good while and be a joy to use. Now you need a logo/business name on the side.
In Michigan, you're supposed to get DOT numbers, if you do that. EDIT: Then you get to follow a whole new set of rules.
My vehicle insurance company would not insure a dump truck, so I had to get a second policy with another company. Claimed personal use with insurance. I have not been to the DMV yet to get it plated.
Here it goes by weight.. so check.. I ton dump does not need DOT numbers.. why many contractors use F150s towing over weight trailers