Used to be severely allergic, I've gotten it so many times that my body don't react so bad anymore. 1 time I had it literally everywhere, giant blisters. So bad on my feet that I put my shoes on for work 1 day and the pressure popped all the blisters, Endo of day take of my shoes, go to take off my socks and the socks has dried to my skin from the pus. When I pulled off my socks it looked like I had skinned my feet. Other bad one was 1st marriage honey moon. Literally everywhere, put a damper on many honeymoon type avtivities
Same here. I had shingles 3 months ago and I laughed at the "misery". Years of poison, ticks, and chiggers had prepared me for it.
Worked with a guy a few years back who had a poison ivy reaction internally from inhaling the smoke from someone burning it. He spent over 2 weeks in the hospital and was on both antibiotic and steroid IV's the whole time.