So I ended up hauling ten and half trailer loads out of the neighbors woods. I got orders to sell 3 cords next summer. The splitting has commenced. This is the pile that I am going to sell. I think it may be more than 3 cords when I finish splitting it. I will post an after pic in a couple weeks.
Finally got done splitting and stacking my two remaining customers firewood for 2020. There are 4 cords stacked all in face cord rows. So they can see with their own eyes what they are buying. I don’t deliver and get $80 a face cord. It is mostly red and white oak with a sprinkle of walnut and black cherry. I wish they would find another seller but they are unsure about the quality of craigslist sellers. The big pile on the left is about 6 and a half cords and not for sale. It is my “hay in the barn” the old farmers used to say,,,
not a bad price for the quality and they can see it themselves and stored indoors! Id ask for more but gotta keep regulars happy! Great work @ole
If I delivered I would ask for more $. But I refuse to deliver, my Dad sold firewood years ago and his biggest pain in the arse was delivery. He used to wheelbarrow wood around customer houses because they wouldn’t let him drive on their lawns. That is freaking insane if you ask me. That scenario will never happen to this old fart.
I dropped a half cord (my max delivery) to a lady last week and she had asked me to do the same. I didnt. Dont mind stacking and charge an extra $20 if the stack will go right next to the truck. Some of my regulars have me stack. I dont offer pick up as the wood is not on my property (we rent).
So, while having coffee last January with my neighbor who owns the abandoned junk yard he tells me the logger who took 150 trees a couple years ago in a timber sale “he forgot three”. I said what? His wife found them while she was cross country skiing the property. Already dropped. Spring has sprung here so yesterday he made me an offer any good wood hoarder couldn’t refuse. He told me to take 2 and cut the third one for him at 20 inches. He wants to split his with his hydro splitter. I attacked my two today and will buck his tomorrow. All three are big red oaks. Here is tree #one. 27 rounds all cut to 16”. I mark them with a small saw first. After pic tree #one. I had to leave most of the top there was metal everywhere (junk yard) Here is red oak #two. I got thirty two 16” rounds out of this one. I just love making wood. My 18 inch bar 261 made it firewood in no time. It is so nice to social distance in the woods.
I got my neighbors big oak all bucked to 20” so I started hauling mine. Good thing I brought the ATV ramp I would have never got em loaded. They roll very easy. The bark peels off without much effort with my Logrite,,,, Another perfect day to social distance.
My spring 2020 cutting festival is over. I am done. Three saws are sharpened mainted and put away. Got the last split yesterday. I split it all by hand. The shed is full my gravel pad is full so I stacked it in my woods on a little skid road. There are 6 and a half cords stacked in these crappy pics on pallets. I might sell some we will see,,,
Looks like pretty much all oak and some cherry, huh? Great looking wood that’ll keep you nice and toasty come time. All split by hand too! Nice work ole
mostly red oak some black cherry and hickory and one small walnut that was damaged when a dead red oak came down upon it
It’s a 6” black locust. I used it and the shagbark hick for support. As I use up this pile both of those supporters will be turned into firewood. Just to get a little more sunshine into this area,,,
I knew it was a-scared. If you girdle it now, you'll prevent any leaf-out. You'll get more sunlight now, and can take it down when you are ready to.
Little humid in there? Leave it open and get the fans going! I get some condensation dripping off the trusses once I get a bunch of freshly split wood in the barn too. You and Brad aim to impress with the stacking! Nice job
so much for being done cutting While scouting for turkeys I found a downed cherry which I attacked today