I use MaxPower twisted 105. It holds up well and tears apart the tall thistle weeds. How many times do I fill the trimmer head? We have sharp Greenstone around here. I filled the head 8 times on Sunday. When I am out of the rocky area I can go all day without a reload. I go through two 165' rolls every year. I wore clear through the timmer head on the Husky 335 on Saturday. Another trip to the dealer.
Never really pondered before. I probably refill a little more than most per tank because I abuse the string and don't like vibration from uneven lengths, so I bump fairly often. Use is relative to targeted vegetation. I could probably get three tanks to a spool if only trimming around the yards. When weedeating crummy stuff (pretty often) it's probably 1-1/2 tanks per spool. (I'm getting there lol) I get 6-8 fuel tank fills from a gallon. Let's say an average of 6 respools per gallon (seems slightly low, I don't fill the head completely to mitigate any feed issues). I will use 4-5 gallons of fuel this season in the trimmers. So approximately 30 respools per season? I will go through 1-1/2 or so of the big clamshell packs of line. 250' I think.
Based off of the comments, I feel like I need my man card back. Either my trimmer head holds a lot of line ( 9 feet supposedly ) of maybe I'm not as aggressive with my bumping as some others. I'm assuming the quality of the trimmer line also comes into play. I do a lot of trimming next to block and have noticed it doesn't use as much line as when I'm trimming against my metal field fence.
I do four 'pulls' of line when loading. Holding roll of line with left I then grab and pull out 4-5 stretched arm lengths of line. No idea what that length is...16-18 feet? Might be more...the head capacity is supposed to be 28 feet. Better have it wrapped like a winch drum to get that much on it.
I pull 3 times the length of my wingspan off the roll which is basically 18 feet. The span of your arms is how tall you are. 6x3=18. Anymore than that and both trimmers won’t feed right because the head is overstuffed. There’s got to be space in there to let things move/feed.
Three pulls here fills the Husky and the Stihl. Any more and I start to see feeding problems. It hit 100 today and I'm in no hurry to run the trimmer after work. Will wake up early on Saturday and hopefully finish it off.
Dang y'all use a lot of line! I don't have that much that needs to be trimmed, but I bet I don't reload the head more than 2x/year!
My least favorite of all my outdoor chores. Mowing makes a place look kept. Trimming makes a place look well-kept. I do more than I have to but the aesthetics are nice and I think it helps keep the bugs down a little.
My thoughts exactly. Well, except the y'all thing....it's you all up here. I thought that was a far south term.
I don't know what his model is and he doesn't live local to me. Seemed like a pretty basic model, but worked well.
Mowed some grass down. I made loose hay last year and I figured I’d try it again. About a tank and a half of fuel with the throttle pinned down the who time. It’s going to be hot hot hot the next week and little chance of rain.
Yes I do. My tractors hydrostat crapped out and I am currently looking for a used tractor. I could probably get a pull behind sickle mower for not too much money. I don’t want to mow that area every week too much time and gas money. Lots of people like mowing I don’t, I’m not running a golf course. I don’t want to abuse my mower taking that tall of grass down either.
Like most folks trimming is my least favorite lawn task. I maintain about 1/2 of my seven acres. Part of the problem is I have lots of poison ivy around my place and will invariably end up with it after trimming. So I decided to give a rotary scissors a try. Where has this thing been all my life! It roots the stuff out at ground level and just leaves it laying without flinging the chopped bits and juice all over me and everything else. I wasn’t sure how it would hold up to rural land type use since all the videos and talk about them has been from burbtard lawn nerd types. I’ve used it a bunch now and it will clip 1” saplings no problem. Trim against important stuff without damaging either the tool or the important stuff. Suddenly trimming is almost tolerable… Almost.