You won't know what apple that will produce. Could have cross pollinated with some other apple in the orchard. But Gala apples are self fertile. Best best with those seedlings to to graft them on a hardy root stock. Or if you want to find out what they are soon, just graft them on another apple tree and mark it so you can keep track of what it is. Most apple trees are grafted on a hardy root stock of a tree that is nothing like what the apples will be.
That's some high density planting Were all those acorns intentionally planted or did the squirrels forget about a huge cache of them?
The Squirrel Security & Food Department of Forestry at our farm would NEVER allow that to happen... LOL Earlier this year, there were about 18-20 squirrels chasing each other around out back of our house. It looked like a circus with all the boys chasing all the girls around and through all the trees... Quite the frenzy of activity, could have filmed a nature show that day!!!
I planted some acorns last fall, nothing showing yet, but it’s been cold and dry. Ordered 25 each of some apricot and cherry from the NRD, not In yet. And need to get a shade tree to replace a dying spruce I removed 2 weeks ago. Oh, and I’m trying to get a bunch of hedge apple seeds to sprout. Nothing happening there yet either
For about 5-6 years, we bought live x-mas trees and planted them. I've also planted 2 oaks, 2 cedar, 4 leyland cypress and a dogwood.
About 2 years ago my FIL gave us probably 20 rose of sharon (if they count as a tree). I planted them on our property line as a privacy row. Those are also the Xmas trees and a leyland or 2. Very wet lands and they are beside a drainage ditch. Very happy there so far.
Today my granddaughter & I planted 8 Concolor Pines 6 White Pines 2 Swamp Oaks 1 Black oak 1 Sycamore I have 1 Shagbark & 1 White Oak left to plant.
My pure American chestnuts are starting to break the surface. So far I counted 15 that have popped, which is about half of the germinated nuts I planted in this protected raised bed. As of today I noticed 2 of my black walnuts have sprouted also (little red shoots) I think there’s about a dozen nuts in this pot.
I started a few black locust indoors last month and it’s doing well. Next week I’ll start hardening them off with my tomatoes and peppers, slowly transitioning them outdoors.
If you float tested the nuts before stratifying, I bet the other 15 will pop. We had almost 100% germination with our Chinese/Hybrids this year.
The black walnuts are taking off fast now. I took the 5 that came up so far and put them in individual pots. I’m leaving this one up on my deck in case something attacks the other 4 down on the ground. The hope is to grow these all summer, then give away a couple to fellow tree crazy coworkers, and plant the rest along my property line this fall.
Well there’s 7 months wasted. The 4 I had in pots below got eaten by squirrels today. This one on my deck is my last black walnut tree and now I have to put a cage completely around it. (Again) That’s it, from now on the squirrels are getting the same treatment as rats do if I find them in my yard. Too bad I promised a couple people trees already.
Sorry about the trees. Squirrels can be real pests at times. They are relatively mild mannered around here,...usually. In the fall when they start burying the sunflower seeds they do minor damage to the lawn. They have free access to the bird feeder just like most everything else. They are protected in our area for some reason but I think that the neighborhood cats keep the population down. Hope the sole survivor stays healthy!
I rarely cut down a live/healthy tree. Mother nature has a way of discarding sick or damaged trees...I take care of the rest. I have planted far more trees than I have cut down.
I have alot of Honey Lous volinteers, 2 Ash, 1 Sugat Maple and around 6 Mulberry. I just ordered 3 Sassafras Trees. Why? Because I don't have any around here that I know of and I could. The trres I believe are dry root. Can I use a post hole dugger to plant them?