Welcome, nice to meet you MFMc. , you'll never meet and talk to to better folks with tons of info, happy to answer questions, and enjoy all the great pics you'll post.
Four of my more favorite "tree books": 1. We have some good reference materials for western trees too. Here's one you can get from our "OSU" - Oregon State University. 2. The 900+ Page 1949 Yearbook of Agriculture - as a boy this was my Tom Sawyer and my Robinson Caruso. 3. The Man Who Planted Trees - Just Very Inspirational. And this one I got when I was nine or ten, and it has real veneer strips of 40 woods inside the front cover.
Brad M Very good tutorial on oak. Could you or someone make a 2nd edition to cover the maple varieties?
Elm! I wouldnt touch it with a ten foot axe only as i hand split and its a stringy nightmare. BTW: Tell cigarsmokingzombie im mad at him next time you talk to him! Decent firewood otherwise.
Elm huh. I’m grabbing it tomorrow. Thanks for the info. Cigar smoking zombie and I hung out last night! I’ll let him know
Lmao!! That’s the last thing he texted me..... woooooooooooood. He’s been busy at work and since getting his new 37’ Class A he’s been doing a little of that too.
I know him well. Ive never hoarded wood with a motorhome or have i seen it done, but i wouldnt put it past him.