In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

Trash Compactors

Discussion in 'The DIY Room' started by wildwest, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. wildwest

    wildwest Moderator

    Jul 21, 2014
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    Wyoming high plains
    We are in the market for one. We had one for over a decade and it was a big help since there was not trash pickup there.

    What's new and what to avoid?

    I took a peek tonight after discussing and my eyes popped out at this price. But, we need freestanding. Heck, for that price I say screw plywood on and paint it and call it good!

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