This high tensile wire is used to direct apple tree branches. Saw chain doesn't like it so much. Was a shame too, had to walk away from a large plot of dozed trees.
I would like to clarify, also. I wasn't speaking of when it had happened but rather since it was a 30 caliber, it most assuredly came from the popular 94 model Winchester.
This was a ring and strap found about 12" deep in the huge round that is on the tractor. Tree service had taken the red oak down at an old church close to us. Luckily they didn't hit it. It was used to tie horses to when attending church. An 80+ yr old member doesn't remember ever seeing it. He remembers another one on a big pine that is there. We found a horseshoe completely buried in a 36" red cedar log when we had our sawmill. I've found numerous nails, barb wire, clothesline. As far as snakes, we were loading the truck from one of the our racks. About halfway through the last stack, Miz Carol picked up a piece and a 3' long rat/black snake was hiding in the stack. She politely levatated to the truck and said I could finish the load...
Nice! I have one of those too. Just no hooded sight. Somewhat interesting provenance. Ever here of Muckes Hotdogs? Rifle came from old man Mucke himself. Came to my grandparents house to hunt deer in 19?? Left it there by mistake. Told my grandfather to keep it as he had plenty. They used them to shoot the cows in the butcher shop right in downtown Hartford Ct. That’s the story as it’s been passed down anyway. That being said this is .30 cal too.
That looks to be in good shape. What year? I have an old 32 special but the stock has been cut down a little and the bore looks a bit worn. Pretty much a wall hanger but I keep it because my dad had one and I used to hunt with it back in the day. He traded it off for a job he needed done one day though and that was that.
That is a web image. The one I have was my Dad's. He bought it in the way back years and I honestly can't remember if it was 19.99 or 29.99 when he got it. He had to put it on lay-away and paid a bit on it until it was his!
Look what was found in this wood - This Fantastical Dragon Bench Was Carved Using A Chainsaw | ARCHAEOLOGY WORLD
My boy and I were checking out a standing dead oak and found this little snake under the bark. I've got a threaded eye and s hook that was inside a tree. On the farm it wasn't totally foreign to find a fence post in the middle of a tree.