I just looked back through a couple pages of this thread. Some folks have listed unprocessed wood. If you're counting that, I can add another 6-7 cord that I have laying around in log lengths or cut rounds.
You missed a few like pyroholic at 10, firecracker_77 at 5, pallet pete at 30, 94 bullit at 6, BCB at 3, sam-tip at 80. When I add those to your number I get 1604+10+5+30+6+80= 1738 plus the half cord of uglies and 3/4 cord of kindling from 94bullitt. I didn't count the 20 in logs from sam-tip.
Thanks Was using ipad & missed a whole page 1738 + 20 (in log form) + .5 + .75 = 1759.25 There just might be 2,000 cord 0f wood.
Actually, after a little research, I found it is a little more complicated than this; apparently you gotta use imaginary numbers when working with CL cords! Greg PS sorry.