OK, I am on bag #6. Burning the stove in stove temp mode, heat setting 4. That puts the temp guage on the side of the stove at 400 degrees. At that setting, a bag will last ~12 hours. I do like these a lot. The ash (or lack of) is impressive. Burn pot stays clean for a long time. I agree with Sub, could go through a ton of these before emptying the ash pan. No clinkers or speed bump. These are from October, 2014. What is your experience like with them?
That's pretty much what I'm seeing. I'm on heat setting 3 and the temp on the side of my stove is 360. If the stove was just cleaned I'd be close to 400. Heat setting 4 and I'm north of 400.
Perhaps I got a bit of your luck and got a crap batch of them. Mine are from this Spring and I have had a clinker every time I clean the pot. I will take pics next time I clean the stove. Historically these have burned very well. These not so much.
Yeah I certainly have a habit of getting stuck with bad batches, no question about that. Got lucky this time around! Besides the clinkers, are you getting good heat and low ash from them?
Yeah, ash is low. The heat thing is more difficult to determine. I have basically got the same temps from every pellet I have burned when comparing the rate in which they feed. Running on hi/lo also evens out those feed rates unless low is still too high, which is not the case for me this time of year for sure. There was one outlier and that has me questioning those results. They were Vermonts, luckily I have some in my stash and will retest them this year. I should be able to reach them in a month or so