Thats OK, I confused them with Forest Pride. AKA Somersets. I did get a google hit on Northwest Pride though.
All softwoods don't always necessarily equate to lower ash. Now the Doug Fir's are a whole different animal.
yes.. your right..; btw: do u want to try a couple bags of below which I posted a while back? Woodsmith flooring company from Missouri... can drop off to Joe some day in the future as before...
sounds good... Also, not sure what days Joe is there during the week if at all until cold weather get's here. I work now on most Saturdays so can only drop in during the week unless open sunday's during winter...
Tonight while running errands, I saw a dude leaving TSC with a large flat bed trailer carrying 4 tons of TSC bagged MWPs. He's gonna be warm this winter. Suspect he was picking up early buy at the last minute (cut off is Oct. 1st, right?) or he was taking advantage of the 10% off sale, which is pretty much the same price as early buy.
Our HD, Augusta Me, doesn't ever seem to carry just one brand. they have up to three at any one time, and there is no reasoning why or what they will have. The important thing is that they make a real effort to keep supplied.
Had a Dr. appt today, so on the way home stopped at the HD in Newburgh. Took some pics.....looked like they had 3-4 diff. brands. From what I could see, only about 7-8 tons were removed since the last time I was there about a month ago: :
They did the same thing last year ,hey they can keep that chit ,for the same coin I can get softwoods have a nice day Lowe's