I took a ride this morning to my local HD to see what's available. They had a lot of inventory last time I drove by but they have a lot more now. A lot more. I couldn't get a count because they had some mulch in the way. They are selling Stove Chow, Maine Choice, GS at $259. They also have Inferno Gold at $299. I pay that for LaCretes, I think I'll stick with them. I left HD and drove to the other side of the mall complex to WalMart. Still selling MWP at $219, so I bought 5 more bags. I'm 4 bags shy of 7 tons, my opening day goal.
Hey, I sell pellets, the BB's are my competition, but I am glad to see some folks stepping up and keeping more than a truck of inventory....at least there wont be a bad shortage (hopefully)!
Just an interesting update on this. I just received an email from Mike Galis at Greene Team telling about an upcoming delivery of their pellets to my local Lowes in a couple weeks. The interesting part was that the email header and body of the email included this: "You'll love this a TON – Stock up with our pellets at Lowe's and save with reduced delivery on one ton of pellet fuel or more! Click the link below to order online today: http://www.lowes.com/pd_153769-62268-078___ $19 Local delivery with purchase of One Ton or more of Pellet Fuel. *Delivery must be within 75 miles of the store. One Ton equals Fifty 40-lb. bags. Limit 6 tons per customer.Discounted Delivery Offer ends Monday (9-14-15), call your local Lowe's store for details and availablity."
just came from lowes,they had nations choice,green supreme,greene team,and timber heat.i counted around 50 tons total.
Stopped at Family Farm and Home to pick up some grass seed. They must have gotten another 2 truckloads in. I'm estimating there are 70-80 tons sitting there. They don't appear to be moving too quick, but they don't typically start moving a lot of them until mid October.
I got it too. Didn't notice as I usually just delete it. I bought GT's since they increase the price on them. Actually haven't bought any pellets from Lowes since I bought the Timber heats 3 seasons ago. They carry mostly GS's these days.
Stopped at Lowe's on way home from work they didn't have much 8 ton up in the rafters all had names on them open skids of Freedom fuel and North Americans I did see 5 ton of PTL's ,but a few mins. later they were being loaded on the truck out for delivery someone is going to be a Happy warm Camper this winter.
The side lot at the Concord, NH Lowes is totally covered by tons and tons of 6-7 different kinds of pellets. Lowes has been running the $19 delivery special around here (good until the9/16 I think), so I ordered a couple tons of Pres-To that will be delivered this Friday. I visited several area HD's this weekend, and don't see the piles of pellets there except for the Hooksett, NH store (and that store has several types, including Chows). However, the Concord and Manchester stores might stack theirs in back, and I didn't check there.
Always loop around the building once on your way to the garden center entrance to cover all pellet possibilitys
Thanks, been a member for about 6 months, but then summer came, so never really got into reading/posting. Glad to be here!
Some of them are gated off though, and I would prefer not to get thrown off the premises in perpetuity