Before I picked up my 261c I was torn between it or looking for a clean 026 pro. There is a NOS 026 PRO on eBay right now. Only up to $510....
It looks to me, based on bidding history, that is going to turn into one of those last minute bidding wars. Good for the seller. It is a recent model pro version based on its features and might just be a dealer who never managed to sell it before it was replaced by the 260. I doubt I could get that for mine partly because it is not a pro version. Only nostalgia would add to my saw's value over any old used 026.
Personally, I wouldn't touch it. Looks like it was frankensteined together with 026 & 260 new/used parts. The crank case is 026 and looks like it was painted. The tank and plastics are 260 parts. Hard telling what you don't see.
Oh, didnt mention above... If it were laid out honestly in the description, I probably wouldn't care. It's shady though as seller is passing it off as new.
Well, the title does describe it as a "026 PRO / MS260." I wonder how many of the parts aren't even OEM.
I agree. That is pieces parts. If a collector is buying it? They should know better. Otherwise, the new owner better run thr pizz out of it . Because he will never come close to selling it for what he paid
They need sumpin'.. Just to catch up with all the other 50cc saws... I got an old school, red switch 026 that'll need some treatment of some sort...
Agreed. So say you can get one for $600 out the door, who wouldn't take that deal over the eBay saw? I just don't get how theses eBay saws go so high, maybe people that don't have access to a dealer?
One thing that I think helps influence high ebay prices, is the Paypal credit line. If you spend over $99, it's 6mo interest free. Sometimes they have a promotion going that anything over $499 is 1yr. Something about that buy now, pay later gets people to over indulge.
Some fine looking saws there. Here's my MS 260 Pro. Near perfect condition, for parts maybe, only had one tree dropped on it. But hey. It was free.
With cash, much cheaper than $600. I haven't paid the asking price for any saw at my dealer. Cash normally drops the price 10% immediately. Then you can haggle a little more if you are a regular customer