My coworker sent me a couple pictures of the bridge he built with the black locust I’ve been giving him. The cedar runners are from his land. I’ve got to say, I’m glad I didn’t turn all that into firewood.
I dropped this tree back in November but it wasn’t really high priority to retrieve immediately. Having sold all my ready-to-burn black locust inventory this year, I finally became motivated to get more. It was more than 100’ into the woods, which was a factor to my procrastination. There’s another smaller one that blew over recently, plus some barkless skinnies which I’ll get soon. Nice little load for today though. The little Jonsered with 18" bar and a semi-chisel chain did the bucking.
Yesterday’s load of wood, which I’ll be adding more bark-on fresh locust to: I brought up all the dead locust I already had on hand, needing to be processed. This’ll get stacked either on top or in its own pile, so I can burn it next winter if need be. The bark-on will be 2026-2027 firewood.
Thats a sweet stack going post to post. Like you I don't like mixing bark on with bark off in the same stack.