Yeah about that… I’m done trying to fit that into some kind of time frame. Back in the winter I was thinking late February, then came maple syrup season which carried into March, I caught a bad case of dead oak mania for several weeks then April came and I got busy with the woodshed, then May came and I was wrapped up in landscaping projects and my driveway extension… So here I am with that massive score of barkless locust 2 minutes from my house and still busy with other things. I’ll get to it eventually I suppose. 6 months from now or 6 years from now won’t make a difference. That’s the beauty of wood that doesn’t have a shelf life
Yeah, shelf life is great when it comes to BL. Thats some sweet wood for sure. And IIRC it was off the ground too. You still have that guys number? Hopefully the cheapskate landlord doesnt start "beautifying" that property anytime soon.
I still have the guy’s business card in my wallet and yes a lot of those trunks are snagged on massive bittersweet vines or other trees. I doubt they’ll be doing any beautifying outside anytime soon. That property has been neglected since 1998 when the grocery store that was originally there went out of business. I saw this week the empty space adjacent to the Dollar General (same building) is being remodeled so either DG is expanding or another business is going in there. If I see heavy equipment being moved in one day I’ll make an executive decision to get on it pronto. Other than that, it’ll stay on the back burner for the short term.
Time to segue into an amusing side story. Back in the winter time I gave a coworker a few days worth of black locust to try out as he was used to burning nothing but the punky dead ash and red maple he cut from his own property. He was floored by the long burn times and heat output. Fast forward to yesterday and he messaged me pictures of a huge score of it, all his but he had to get to it quick because the property owner called the tree service to come back to remove the logs. I warned him a while back about “locust mania” but apparently he didn’t heed Today he sends me pictures of his truck and trailer all loaded up and his wheels are spinning about how to get more. Now if I can only get him to sign up here he’d really be off to the races
Did you mention me? Does he live in CT? Should i be worried about him in my area? Hopefully you didnt mention your honey hole? Sign him up. Id love to watch a locust maniac hoard!
LOL your territory is safe; he's way up in the north end of Canton. I might have mentioned you and your various funny highway escapades in passing though Been trying to get him to sign up but he's happy for now being a "free agent".
Back in December last year I obtained permission to cut as much as I wanted at the dollar general at the bottom of my road. There are mostly black locust trees there, many live and also plenty dead and barkless. I was in no rush to cut any since my space is dwindling. Today one of the leaners came crashing down in the heavy rain. I only had about 20 minutes to spare this afternoon but was able to cut 3 sawmill logs for my coworker, and a couple pieces for firewood. I’ll see if I can make it back this weekend for a more proper load.
It's a love/hate bitter/sweet deal when the good stuff finds you at the most inopportune times. Kudos though, it's way to hot for me to mess with firewood right now.
If not for my commitment to my coworker to exchange saw logs for the tractor he gave me a while back, I think I would've let this one sit until fall. BUT... right now my coworker happens to be building a foot bridge using the BL logs I've been feeding him. He could definitely use more material to work with. Any firewood I happen to get out of this is just a bonus.
NIIIICE! Id've been all over that as you know....heat or no heat. At least you didnt have to schlep it out of a tangle. Jason is right about bad timing. Although i dont mind a "bad timing" BL score.
Thats about what i looked like the past couple days. Rain this morning gave me the day off. I need time to recoup. Although im tempted to cut a load of wood tomorrow.
This was probably the easiest BL score I've ever gotten. Literally one minute down the street from my driveway as you remember. Drive right up, cut and load. Almost too easy to where thrill of the chase is just about gone
Just to save Brad some typing,,,,,,YOU SHOULD HAVE HIT THAT SCORE MONTHS AGO!! Procrastination is a tricky devil Nice score tho.
Nice scorezzzzzz I have access to a bunch lf BL with tops broken off. Just waiting until fall…I sweat a bit too much for summer firewooding