Hate to quote myself, but an addendum is in order. Walking around with the pup today I realized I never measured one of the stacks, it's an incomplete stack, but still. Roughly .42 cord in that short-stack. Sooo.. Roughly 2.82 cord S&S awaiting next winter.
Got the Queen of the hill restocked yesterday afternoon, she's feeling better. Fell CHRISTmas morning and bummed up her shoulder and wrist and then had the stomach bug that's going around. Didn't break anything, praise GOD.
That great she didnt break anything!....its really awful when the elderly fall..so many times thats when there health changes for the worse. Keep a close eye on her n preach about bein careful...
Hey Jeff. Might be worth taping plastic over the window air. If not pull it out. They are a huge heat loss spot. Almost like a open window in the vent area. Gotta love the wood pile directly behind the seating! Efficient!
Thanks, I'll check it out. Can't take it out, those are old style crank out windows. Daddy had to cut the glass to put that in...
Being my 1st season I'd say about at least a cord maybe even 1.5 cords of mostly Oak, Pine and a little maple. Gives me a good idea going forward. Thinking 3 cords for a winter is my 3yr plan goal. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Burnt through almost a cord of mostly oak, beech ..like to burn apple and cherry fires when im working outside in the yard .. great smell In the aire, but mostly red n white oak.. I've been lucky enough being able to replace the wood I've burned so I'll call that even..
In the neighborhood of 11 1/2- 12 cords. Central Boiler 6048 heating 2 houses & a domestic water heater & hanging hot air heater in the milk house to keep the pipes from freezing.
Little over a cord....little disappointed my ash is not dryer ....hangin around 20%. I guess considerin the rain n humidity this year...shouldnt complain. I believe ill let the rest of it for next year....