Nothing to get excited about here. If exciting scores are your thing go check out jrider or buZZsaw BRAD haha! Had to take my wife around to a few doctors appointments today about 35 min from my house so I thought I would use my wait time productively and investigate the neighborhood for possible scrounges. These pictures are from two small scores. This wood I found on the side of a bus entrance road to a public school. As you can see it was pretty far gone, but did have solid Black locust included with easy peel bark. It's a good thing because I don't know if the pictures show clearly (my phone camera is basically garbage), but poison ivy is prolific this time of year and was winding its way into the wood pile at parts as well as being all over the darn place. Luckily I could easily peel the bark off while lifting the logs out of the pile where the ivy was attached leaving the ivy clasping to empty bark shells I just love bald black locust! I did take two pieces of cherry, but those larger spalted and fungi ridden rounds were cotton and silver maple wood and though pretty dry, were ridden with toad stools, termites and dirt so they were not worth the effort or risk of rash. Unfortunately, once more the logs were all just a bit oversized for my stove so cookies are in my future again. The pressure treated lumber was a dumpster find that was filled with a cut up deck. It was a few blocks away from log score. All wood was mostly cut too small to bother with, but these 4 foot plus lengths should come in handy for something.
You have my sincere admiration for hoarding around poison ivy, in this heat as well! I hope you scrubbed down in the shower afterwards. I hear Dawn detergent and a brush work really well.
As long as you didn't break any cells to allow any oil onto your skin you should be OK. Better to work around it this time of year than in the Fall when the leaves get old and brittle, breaking cells and releasing oils much more easily. Course, if you're into it with a weed whacker, good luck !!
Yes I did, but I also keep a pouch of those soapy wet rags in the car for just this kind of situation. I couldn't believe my stupidity today when I forgot myself for a second and thoughtlessly grabbed an ivy vine to pull it out of the way with my head focused on a lower down locust log. I immediately dropped the vine and went to the car to scrub off! I left the log after that and time will tell if I saved my fingers or not.
Great score Urban Woods Looks like they will need some doctoring. Got poison ivy from Monday pulling vines at MIL's. Went home and scrubbed my arms good, but couple minor areas, one on each arm. Mild rash. I dont get it too bad luckily.
Oh thats interesting, because I have often wondered at times how I escaped poison ivy rashes after finding myself in a patch of the stuff. My fear comes from being a child and teenager when we used to ride our bikes in an empty lot and climb trees that were loaded with the stuff. At the time I didn't know what it was, as a child its just more green weeds. After two weeks of suffering on a 3rd of my body you quickly learn to identify it and respect it. Then one time in my college years I got it in the fall from handling logs that had been cut up and only had leafless vines on them. Again I had to now begin identifying the hairy vines. I've been wondering how much contact is needed for the rash and so your comment gives me some reassuring perspective.
Another trunk full of goodies! Aside from the sapwood being punky, the stuff looks solid and no bark which should dry out pretty quick, I say these will be north south burners by next winter 2020-21 for sure if not sooner. Way to go mrfancyplants !
I was reading your post thinking... “the sap wood didn’t seem punky.” And “I thought there was bark still on there, but upon unloading tonight, I have to agree with you on both of those points. It’s strange because the other oak that showed up around the same time wasn’t as degraded, or as dry for that matter. You can never quite tell at the dump I guess. I’m no tree Dexter. Maybe I’ll see what’s left tomorrow morning. I have my new chunking method that saves a little time before or after work.
Yeah, maybe from the same source, maybe not. This wood was either from a standing dead oak or from a long time fallen tree that someone finally got around to cutting into manageable logs.
Two rows deep of red oak this morning. It wasn’t as easy to chunk as yesterday, so it is mostly split. I shy’d away from the 18” round even though it was splitting easier.
18" diameter? I was splitting 30" diameter rather easily with just the Fiskars. I was surprised but 2-3 whacks and in half. Get it while the gettins good Nice looking scores mrfancyplants
Sorry, 18” length rounds were avoided. It was splitting well, but I already have so many oak shorts that I figured it made sense to stay consistent. Yesterday the short rounds were splitting into nice chunks after a few whacks just like you say.. probably 30” diameter too. But today, I had to work the perimeter more. There was more bark in place and a bit more punkiness. I guess that all had already fallen away on yesterday’s.
I think 18” would fit but diagonally. I’ve been meaning to test out how well it fits, because that is usually my “cut off point” figuratively and sometimes literally. Work is hanging in there for me, but with added stress. There is a new CEO and it is not clear, at the ground level, if we overshot the budget or if the budget is being shrunk from under us. Out of my pay grade speculation though.
Start carrying your splitting mauls into work with youMaybe do some splitting in the parking lot they'll think twice before giving Paul Bunion his pink slip. ...Sorry, don't do that Just trying to lighten up a stressful situation. From all of us here we continue to send our good luck wishes to you
Some more Norwegian Maple. Chunks, Longs, uglies and cookies. Just a couple more loads left at this point.