My only wagon experience came from the pinto wagon my parents had when I was a kid. no seat belts, crawl over the back seat and fall asleep. I never knew they liked to explode until years later. I wonder how we survived before the government made everything safe...
Apple and elm today, neither is my favorite to split. But the apple's pretty straight, and the elm is pretty dry, so what you gonna do? Leave it on the ground at the dump?!?!
this is what made me finally decide to join the forum. My wife asked what was so funny. Showed her the thread and she said 'yep, sounds like a bunch of guys like you" wait is that a bad thing? edit- also meant to grab a picture of a coworkers wagon. He picked up my random cull pieces and hauled them in his toyota matrix. piled it from front seats to hatch, up to the headliner. pretty impressed with his scrounging, cleaned up my yard and got a 12 pack out of it to boot.
Looks good from here. You're bringing home in one trip more than what you'll burn in one day; thats good-thats real good!
Ash, maybe? I don't see much of it at the dump, no EAB here yet. Whatever it is, nice manageable size for me.
Couldn't help it, had to go back for more, cherry this time. I met an 88 year old scrounger, "Sonny"! He was trying to get some silver maple, but slipped on the wet leaves, and I wasn't big enough to pull him up again. Luckily a big burly guy dropping off brush got him up. I hiked some maple into his truck for him, he looked kinda wobbly, but he wanted to hang out and see what else arrived before closing, so I took off. I hope I'm scrounging wood when I'm 88!
I don' think I've taken good enough care of.myself to want to still be here at 88. I hurt enough now! Treated this body like a damm amusement park.
Midwinter my daughter just climbed into my lap and looked at your hatch full of cherry and told me "that' the perfect wood for our fire" so if you don' mind, I'll pm you my address for delivery.