I'm sitting on the couch with a mug of tea, glad that this project is behind me! I got all the oak out of my friend's yard today. A couple of the butts... One of the car loads... Stacked on my patio... All tarped up against the snow, waiting on a January thaw for splitting.
The grain pattern is really cool on the far right splits. Nice work Molly. Always feels good to finish up a score. Im sure another awaits.
Will you splt any even with snow cover? I covered some red oak rounds at my friends and may work on them depending on how much snow we end up getting. Supposed to be cold after it ends.
And when you’re done splitting you can go for a sled. I love taking the kids sledding.. usually more than the kids like going. I have an old boogie board that is king of the hill. Yeah, I’m almost 40.
I'm going to ask him for a new truck. Bronco is dead at the end of my driveway. Luckily, I have a beast of a snowblower because I had ALL of the snow from my driveway in a 5' pile at the bottom for the driveway when the Bronco shut down. Hopefully, I will get it fixed tomorrow.
I hope its something simple Mark. Thats one of the old time wood haulers here on the forum. The car hoarding thread wouldnt be the same without it.